Compassion Connection Staff

Executive Director: Bob Solum
In 1982 Bob found himself in the Chemical Dependency Unit at St. Croix Hospital. As he prepared to initiate the 5th step (Admit to God, ourselves, and another human being, the exact nature of our wrongs), the Chaplain recommended that Bob go into the Chapel and tell the Lord all the “wrongs” of his past. While confessing all these things to the Lord, Bob felt an overwhelming presence of the Holy Spirit. He describes it as if the Holy Spirit came down from heaven like a warm blanket. He felt amazing love and acceptance. Crying out to the Lord, he asked God to take this addiction away from him. After a short time, he felt the blanket of the Holy Spirit begin to lift. As it lifted, it was as though it grabbed the root of alcoholism from deep within Bob’s soul and pulled it out of him. 

Since that day in 1982, Bob has walked with the Lord. He’s been involved in AA, Overcomer’s Outreach, Promise Keepers, and Shell Lake Full Gospel Church. He has served on the Board of the Compassion Connection since 2004.

Serving as Executive Director is a dream come true for Bob. As always, God’s timing is perfect. He and his wife, Jeanine sold their house in Rice Lake and moved to Shell Lake in August of 2013, to fill the position of In-House Director. After living at the Compassion Connection for 10 years, Bob and Jeanine moved to their home in Cumberland in 2022. Although he lives off-site, Bob still serves in the capacity of Executive Director and serves on the Board of Directors.

Co-Director: Tom Terrill
Tom Terrill, was forever changed by the compassion of Christ. Tom’s son had gone through a difficult period of alcohol and drug use as a teenager and young adult. After spending time in the county jail, he encountered Jesus during a Bible study led by Pat Dixon, one of the leaders of the Compassion Connection. Upon being released from jail, Tom’s son decided to enter the Compassion Connection's 90-day program. After Tom’s son had been in the program for a while, Tom decided to go to one of the weekly meetings. Tom had to find out who would reach out to his son, showing such compassion, not even knowing him. Tom was forever changed from that night forward. Today he is co-director of the Compassion Connection. Tom serves on the Board of Directors and is a Washburn County Chaplain.  Tom is instrumental in our intake process. “Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He has had compassion on you.” (Mark 5:19 – NKJV)

In-house Director: Todd Martin

Todd found himself in a homeless shelter in Ashland, WI. His alcohol addiction had devastated his life to the point that he had no job, no money, no car, and no hope. The people at the shelter recommended Todd apply to the Compassion Connection. He did and was accepted. Todd completed Phases 1 and 2 of the program. He was “all in” and God met him in a very personal way. Todd became the assistant in-house director and was soon promoted to In-house Director in 2023.

Assistant In-house Director: Adam Richter

Looking at Adam today, you’d never guess he was completely lost in his addiction to alcohol and meth. His addiction cost him his wife and kids and landed him in the psych ward many times. When he finally came to the end of himself, he applied to the Compassion Connection and has never looked back. Adam graduated from both Phases 1 and 2. He then became the Assistant In-house Director. His relationship with his children and their mother has been healed. Only God gets the glory for the transformation in Adam’s life.

Administrative Director & Banquet Coordinator: Jeanine Solum

Soon after moving to the Compassion Connection, Bob’s wife Jeanine began serving on the Board of Directors. She soon began organizing, remodeling, and creating new systems for the ministry. In 2015, she organized the 1st annual fundraising banquet. Jeanine considers it a privilege and honor to serve this ministry.