
Acceptance Into the 90-day In-House Program

  • Must be interviewed by the Executive Director and In-House Director or Co-Director.

  • Must be a male.

  • Must be at least 18 years of age.

  • Must have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.

  • Must have decided to put their past life behind them.

  • Must have decided to follow Christ and His plan for them.

  • Must be willing to follow the Matthew 6:33 principle "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need".

  • Must comply with all rules set forth by the Executive Director and In-House Directors.

  • Must complete and sign the application, including the medical portion.

  • Must clear background check.

Commitment to Spiritual Growth (Regeneration)

A fresh start is only possible when we are willing to turn our minds, will, and lives over to the care of God. The initial faith that brings us into a personal relationship with God will be cultivated by learning our new identity in Christ.

Personal Attitude

Old, unhealthy thought patterns and mindsets will need to be identified. Once identified, a new way of thinking will need to be established. Freedom from addiction involves a commitment to maintaining a positive, God-centered attitude. For the welfare of each resident, attitudes will be monitored. It requires a fundamental change in the attitudes that have been infused in us since birth.

Academic Commitment 

The Compassion Connection provides each resident with the Word of God for spiritual growth. The classes and Bible studies are based upon the Gospel message and all that God has made us to be in Christ. A failure to recognize and accept this Gospel message leaves us hopelessly lost. Each resident must commit themselves to learning about their new identity in Christ. “The old has passed away, the new has come.” The following criteria must be met to demonstrate a heart-felt commitment to the program.

1. Consistent attendance and participation in all classes, Bible studies, and teaching sessions.
2. Participation in all weekly meetings, church, retreats, and social outings.

Commitment to Reconciliation 

At Compassion Connection, we prioritize nurturing and fostering healthy personal connections, rooted in the fundamental principles of Biblical teachings. These relationships play a crucial role in supporting individuals as they reintegrate into a productive life. It is our belief that caring for others is a core tenet of our faith. Emphasizing the completion of the Spiritual 12 Steps as a pivotal step towards reconciliation underscores our commitment to helping individuals navigate their journey towards healing and renewal. Rigorous honestly is absolutely required.

Practical living Commitment

In addition to learning how to relate to others healthily, each resident must also have a plan for independent living to make the transition back into daily life. Such a plan should address the following issues:

• Living arrangements; employment, transportation, phone, insurance, groceries, etc.
• Reconciliation of past relationships and building new relationships.
• Social and recreational activities
• Recognition of personal ministry and calling.

Commitment to No Tolerance 
Compassion Connection is run under 100% no tolerance of any addictive substance. 
Violation will result in immediate dismissal from the program.

Vocational Commitment 
The first 30 days of the program is a time of acclimating to the schedule of the CC House. There will be no working outside of the daily schedule of Compassion Connection. The second month will be a time for residents to begin to look at the future vocationally. Vocational mentors will be available through the church body. The final month will be open to residents working outside of the program if employment is available. This will be allowed under the supervision of the in-house director and also the resident’s vocational mentors. Phase II residents will have full-time jobs. They will learn to balance family, work, meetings, and church.

Financial Commitment 
The fee of $2100 (3 months) is due before entering the program. This fee is non-refundable.

(Scholarships may be available)